Tuesday, December 16, 2008

No meetings

Remember, we don't have meetings the next two Monday's. Have a merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. We'll see you again on Jan. 5.


We went Christmas caroling last night. Each year we visit a senior living home and serenade them with our bad singing. The funny thing about this evening is that every year the boys complain and say they don't want to go, and then they have a good time. The residents enjoy seeing the boys as well.

Last night the star of the show was the littlest member of one the families that joined us. She was crawling around and drawing all of the attention away from us!! Wait, maybe that's a good thing.

After wearing out our singing voices (or their ear drums, not sure which) we went out for pizza. Mountain Mikes in Antelope allowed us to have a fundraiser at their restaurant. Unfortunately, it didn't look like many others than ourselves came by to support us this time. It was our first time trying this type of fundraiser, so we'll see if we can't do a better job next time.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dec. 8 meeting

Tonight was our last Court of Honor for 2008. We passed out the last few merit badges that the boys earned and awarded those boys that advanced to the next level in rank.

I was also the evening that the 2 boys that sold the most popcorn got their award of smearing me with a pie. D did a real good job. A lot was left on my face. G however, got a little cocky about his 'skills'. I was able to duck out of the way and watch the majority of what was on his plate slide to the floor. After a few seconds of chasing each other, I let him put the remainder in my face (after I got some in his hair, ha ha ha).

After that we ate cookies and laughed.

It was a good evening.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dec. 1 meeting

We had our monthly committee meeting last night. The boys helped out in deciding on some activities for an upcoming Roundup. We also held our bi-annual elections. We have new leadership in place. A surprise to me was that R was elected SPL. I didn't know that he had been nominated. He chose D to be his ASPL. G is the new PL for the Dragonslayers, while J is the new PL for the Rabid Monkey Men. Other positions were filled, some grudingly, while a couple others were left vacant. For now. Lets hope those boys will learn the lessons that this responsibility has to offer.