Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Some upcoming events

Sunday, May 31

Orienteering. Not an official troop event, but a few of the boys did sign up to work on the Orienteering Merit Badge and this would be another item to check off for its completion. Of course, even if you didn't sign up for the badge, you could. Or show up any way and learn how to do it. I think it's a fun event. See the link for Gold Country Orienteers below right to learn more.

Sunday, May 31 (again)

Patrol Leaders Council. R will be making calls to those that need to be in attendance.

Monday, June 1

Troop Meeting and Committee Meeting. We will be visited by Pack 22 tonight. A joint activity is planned while the committee meeting is going on. If you haven't attended a committe meeting recently, or maybe at all, we could use your help. We have positions of our committee that need to be filled.

Friday, June 5

Scotts Flat canoeing/fishing outing. The plan is to have all of the boys that attend earn their canoeing and fishing merit badges. Lets hope that's possible.

Monday, June 8

Court of Honor. Need I say more? Seriously, come and see what's been going on with our boys. This will be totally(?) planned by the boys. At least as much as they can. Come and give them your support.

VFW Memorial Day Parade

A beautiful day! The weather was great, and the boys did an outstanding job on their float! We took part in the annual parade that works its way down Watt Ave in North Highlands. There were lots of scouting units out. Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts. It was great to see all of them. Our boys did a fantastic job of passing out fliers and Boys Life mini-mags to drum up membership for the Scouting program.

Our float was a thing to see. A flat bed trailer with an old style canvas tent. In front of that was a fire pit with a fake fire (nicely created by T by the way) and a 7-foot tall tripod. Attached to the tripod was our Fleur de lis insignia. Streamers and flags were hanging over the vehicle pulling the trailer as well as the trailer itself.

At the awards ceremony later in the day, Troop 22 took 2nd place for their float! I have the trophy and will present it at our next Court of Honor.

Cross/Flag placement

A few of our boys showed up to our annual tribute at East Lawn Memorial to those that made this Nation of ours a continuing possibility. Thank you to those that took part. And thank you to those that gave the ultimate sacrifice so I could write this.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 18 meeting

The boys held troop elections tonight. We have a new SPL in D, his ASPL is our current SPL R, the Dragonslayers have a new PL in C, and the Rabid Monkeymen (or is it Krew now?) have a new PL in J. Congratulations to all of you! I look forward to working with you to help make this a great experience for yourselves, but for the troop as well.

We also had a visitor. L came to pay us a visit and decided that he wanted to stay. So now our ranks have swelled to 11 boys. Growth is positive.

Some of our adults held a meeting also. They are concerned about the lack of direction from the boys and wanted to discuss ideas for networking among themselves to help encourage the boys to advance. It was a very positive step in my opinion and I can't wait to see what it brings to the table.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Held our first TLT in... not sure when the last one was held. All of the boys except one attended. I decided that since we hadn't run this training in a while that we would pretend that all of our boys were going to be patrol leaders. That way they would all have the concept of how it is suppose to work.

Elections are Monday night. A new SPL and two new PL's. Here's to the next six months.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 11 meeting

Talked about the upcoming elections next week. Basically performed module 3 of Troop Leadership Training. Next up, the elections.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 4 meeting

The boys started working on a scale model of a trebuchet. We hope to build a full sized one at some point down the road. Elections are coming in two weeks, so we will be discussing leadership positions and how the troop will be planned/run at next weeks meeting.