Monday, February 26, 2018

BSA Scout Troop 22 At Klondike Derby 2018!

Several of our Troop 22 Scouts attended Klondike Derby 2018 in Cisco Grove, CA. Thankfully our Scouts were well prepared and were able to keep warm-n-toasty! For a few of them, this marked their first Klondike Derby. Awesome adventures for the win!

Many thanks go to our leadership and our parent volunteers, who left the comforts of home to help guide our Scouts. You are the best!

To follow our further adventures, drop by and like our Facebook Page:

Find us on Instagram:

Or send us an email...we're happy to help!

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Join BSA Scout Troop 22!

Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 22 in Antelope, CA!

Troop 22 is chartered by the Air Force Sergeant's Association and meets at VFW Post 4647 in Antelope, CA.

We are an active group of Scouts that plans monthly outings, bicycle treks, community service events and more. While we'll occasionally update this page, you'll be better able to keep up with our adeventures by visiting us on Facebook. You're welcome to visit Troop 22 on Monday nights, 7PM at VFW Post 4647 or contact the Troop leadership via our Facebook page or email -

Troop 22 Facebook Page