Monday, October 13, 2008

Oct. 12 Orienteering

4 boys and 3 adults traveled to Martinez for the 'Scout-O' that is put on by the Bay Area Orienteering Club (see a link to their web site in the Useful Links section) each year. This is an annual event that is scout focused and also a scout orienteering championship of sorts. There were a few hundred people at the event, everything from Tiger Cubs to Venture Scouts.

It all started after an initial hike up, up, up, and up some more to the starting point. It must have been an elevation gain of 400 to 500 feet in a span of the same distance. That was a workout. The boys split into two groups of two and set out to try and follow their maps. The adults had a separate course that we took. For me, it reminded my of being a boy again. I used to set out on a summer day or weekend and just wander through the hills and woods behind the house I grew up in. We trapsed over fences, under tree roots, over hill tops covered with prickly bush, down steep embankments, under other fences, across streams...

The boys successfully completed their courses. We did too. After it was all done, lunch at In & Out was very tasty!!!

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