Friday, April 24, 2009


has come and gone. The boys had a good time. One of our patrols, The Rabid Monkey Men, won the semaphore event and the other, The Dragonslayers, took second place for their patrol flag.

The top prize is this really cool powder horn. It was hand made by one of the adults from another unit. Very talented he is. Really beautiful work. It was very nice for us to win an event. I had some trouble getting the boys motivated to work on the events that were being played at camporee and it showed in their struggling. Hopefully it will show them that they must work at this in order to perform better.

Three of our boys and one adult was called out (or tapped) to become Order of the Arrow members. Lets hope that they all will be able to attend the Ordeal and complete the process.

While at camporee, we were visited by the Webelos from Pack 22. They had their own campsite, which is how it should be, but they joined us for meals. They had a really good time and preformed pretty well at the games. They picked up two awards as well. There are some really good kids in that pack and it will be a pleasure to work with them should they choose us as their troop when they cross over next year.

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