Sunday, August 9, 2009

Popcorn sales

This weekend launched our efforts to sell popcorn in what is called a 'show and sell'. Think of when Girl Scouts show up in front of a store and sell cookies. The same thing, but as Boy Scouts we sell popcorn. This is the first time our troop has done the show and sell since I've been with the troop. We are selling all this weekend and also next weekend (August 14 thru 16) at the Wal-Mart on the corner of Antelope Road and Roseville Road.

So far it seems to be going very well for us. The nicest surprise has been the straight donations we have received. People wanting to help us out without purchasing the popcorn. That's obviously best for us as we get to keep all of that for our use. So, if you have any friends, and I know for a fact that some of you do, tell them to stop by and see us and buy some popcorn. Or not.

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