Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sept. 29 meeting

Court of Honor. A time to recognize those that have worked hard and earned some merit badges or advanced in rank. We had a fantastic turnout last night. Only a couple of our boys didn't make it to the meeting. Everyone that did show up, brought most if not all of their families. And that's what it's all about, sharing your accomplishments with those closest to you.

We had ice cream with many different toppings, and the boys (with my help) performed a couple of skits. Sounded to me like it went well and everyone had fun.

Because this is the first court of honor following summer camp, we had a bunch of merit badges to hand out. We also had three boys advance in rank. G and S earned their 2nd Class rank, while D advanced to 1st Class. Congrats boys, you are doing great!

Coming up... refresh our orienteering skills and finish up the pottery merit badge from summer camp and emergency preparedness from this past weekend.

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